Free to Play Open Beta for Zenith: Infinite Realms

We're excited to announce that Open Beta is now live for the Infinite Realms game mode! Infinite Realms is our new season-based free to play action-adventure co-op game mode coming to Zenith: Nexus.
Meta Quest and Rift players can playtest the Infinite Realms Beta for free. Steam players can access the Beta too but must own a copy of Zenith: The Last City.
Go to the Open Beta Start Guide for access instructions and Known Issues! This is an early build so the artwork, balancing, and content may be temporary. We're stress testing the shards and the game's performance so you may expect bugs and hitches.
Quick Overview
City Plaza: The central hub for Infinite Realms. You can talk to a familiar NPC near the center to get some guidance. There are also several touchstones to help you learn about the new mechanics. Around the city you'll find agent rank challenges, vendors, gear upgrade stations, and hangout areas.
Fractured Worlds: Beyond the Iron, Silver, and Pandowl gates, different floating worlds await. We won't spoil what challenges you'll face, you'll have to hop in and see for yourself! Note the content beyond the Pandowl gate will rotate daily around 2:00 AM PT. Behind the Scenes: Procedural Magic Behind Infinite Realms
Revamped Player Abilities: With a flick of your wrist, unleash Tempest Blades, a razor-sharp disk made of pure energy. Unlock the fire and ice modifiers in your skill tree for more powerful strikes.
As you level up, you’ll unlock more modifiers and gesture abilities. Channel your essence to push away mobs, steer a magical spear or throw orbs of magic!
Parkour: Jump, rail grind, slide, and climb your way around sessions.
Shared XP and Level Scaling: In each session run XP is shared among the group. No need to worry if you're a different level from your groupmates, mob difficulty will scale uniquely to you.
That's all for now! We hope you'll hop in and try the Beta for Infinite Realms. We're planning to patch the Beta over time so head over to our Discord for more frequent updates.