Minor Patch 1.1.8 - New Cosmetic Events and Bugfixes

Patch Type: Minor
Patch Number 1.1.8
*PTR Date: 8/5/2022
Release Window: 8/9/2022 - 8/11/2022; Edit 8/13 We are happy to announce the new launch date for the update as Monday August 15th! On this day we will also be making another exciting announcement! Make sure to have your 4 hours of playtime in the PTR completed by this date!
Edit 8/12 - We're currently ironing out bugs that popped up in PTR, and taking the time to make sure the build is good to go before releasing to live. We'll update here with the new release date as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience!
We're excited to announce Minor 1.1.8 has new cosmetic gear and event quests, Beater cosmetic sword fix, bHaptics hardware support, general quality of life improvements and bugfixes.
*New* If you play on PTR during Minor 1.1.8 for at least 4 hours, you can unlock the character title: Amara's Aide. Character titles will be implemented in a later update. Now back to what's coming in Minor 1.1.8~
Check out this sweet new cosmetic gear!

Take on various challenge events across Zenith and get rewarded with a new currency: Neowear coins. Then use the coins to unlock the Neowear gear!
New Content
- New Cosmetic Gear and Event Quests:
- Find Ali, a new NPC in the city alleyways, who will start you on your swag journey
- New quests, including dailies, across Zenith that grant Neowear coins
- New synthesis station to craft the new Neowear gear
Feature/System Updates
We're actively working on issues reported by the community here: Player Top Voted Issues. We link to related issues where possible. Fixes made are also based on feedback/reports from multiple sources (Discord, bug reports, etc). Thank you to the community for continuing to report and share feedback!
- Disbanding and leaving guilds now shows a confirmation prompt [source]
- Changes to instances:
- Shortened player respawn time in instances
- Damage contribution for Dungeon and Raid bosses now last longer [source]
- Added 2 hour time limit to instances before they close
- Changed to the Infernal Core [source]:
- Moved the player respawn point to be on the platform
- Extended the time it takes for the boss room to close
- Set the door next to Vulkane as unclimbable
- Added full body haptics support so you can now experience a more immersive experience using bHaptics hardware
(Edit 8/5 - this was scheduled for a previous update and is now in) The in-game referral page has been moved to the sign up screen
- When you first create a Zenith account you'll have the opportunity to enter a referrer as a part of the process. The referrer will no longer be entered while you are in-game.
Resolved Issues

- Fixed beater cosmetic blade weapons - they can now be equipped in the cosmetic slots to give your swords a futuristic appearance.
- Fixed cooking stations being able to spawn in the air so they now always spawn on the ground as intended
- Essence Mage blasters are now rotated correctly when holstered
- Fixed collider on the altar in the Vault of the Ancients boss room
- Fixed a building in the city not showing up for desktop platforms unless on low graphics.
- Removed blank hair icon from character creation
- Fixed the SFX that played when moving items around in inventory
- Fixed floor collider in Forsaken Reliquary so players don't appear to be floating
- Fixed invisible collider in Ruler's Reach
- Fix cosmetic items not getting added to the cosmetic tab
- General VFX bugfixes
- (Edit 8/5 - Added the following)
- Fixed missing "Veteran Sylphids" (purple) in "Reclaim Blossom Village" public event and Macabre Menagerie open-world dungeon in Emerald Desert
- Fixed an issue where the Founder's Headgear made your character bald when applied
- Fixed popup that incorrectly said "You received 0 item!"
- (Edit 8/15) Fixed stamina not being granted after completing Aetheric Upgrades.