Minor Patch 1.1.9 - New Sunshine Cosmetic and Bugfixes

Patch Type: Minor
Patch Number 1.1.9
*PTR Date: 9/8/2022
Release Window: 9/14/2022 - 9/20/2022
(Edit 9/19: The final release date is TODAY, September 19th!)
We're excited to announce Minor 1.1.9 has new cosmetic gear and event quests! The patch also comes with bugfixes and quality of life improvements.
*If you play on PTR during Minor 1.1.9 for at least 4 hours, you can unlock the character title: Telos' Technician. Character titles will be implemented in a later update. Please report any issues or weirdness found on PTR here: https://ptr.zenithmmo.com/
Check out the new Sunshine Cosmetic 😎!

Take on challenge events across Zenith and get rewarded with Sunshine coins. The Sunshine coins will get you new pieces of the Sunshine Cosmetic.
New Content
You'll be ready for a day at the beach with the new Cosmetic Sunshine Gear.
- New Cosmetic Gear and Event Quests:
- Find Lia, the new NPC in the plains near Mika by the lake for the new quest events
- New daily quest that grants Sunshine coins
- New synthesis station to craft the new Sunshine Cosmetic
We're actively working on issues reported by the community here: Player Top Voted Issues. We link to related issues where possible. Fixes made are also based on feedback/reports from multiple sources (Discord, bug reports, etc). Thank you to the community for continuing to report and share feedback!
Feature/System Updates
- Crafting stations now get disabled when an instance has been found. Before, they would get disabled when matchmaking started.
- A popup now shows up when the user is removed from queue after 15 minutes.
- Referral code input box in registration menu now says that it's optional
- New accessibility option to toggle grip and configurable hold and release sensitivities [source]
- There is now an indication if a friend is online on a different shard [partially addresses this source]
- (Edit 9/9) Added an "Emergency Focus UI" mode where if ever stuck in terrain, you can now hold the menu button down for 3 seconds to open the menu in focus mode.
Emergency Focus UI:
Resolved Issues
- Updated Steam VR binding support. This fixes issues with the HP Reverb, Vive wands, and oversensitive grabbing on Valve Index [source]
- Fixed matchmaking status carrying over when queueing solo and logging out.
- Equipped godstones are now being remembered when logging back in [source]
- Fixed another cause for Essence Mage orbs not colliding with enemies/ground [source]
- Fixed invisible mushrooms when cooking [source]
- Implemented a potential fix for some loot chests in the world not showing up when they should
- Server stability and connection quality improvements
Hotfix 1.1.10
- Fixed contribution bug on Sunshine events
- Fixed visual bug where Corrupted Crystals were invisible
- Made it easier to melt crystals in the Infernal Core
Hotfix 1.1.11
- Fixed Sunshine reward bug so party members get correct coin amounts now
- Fixed heat vent hitbox in the Infernal Core and made crystal hitboxes bigger so they are easier to melt
- Made bushes disappear more reliably from fireseeds in the Neowear events