Minor Patch 1.2.1 - Winter Festival

Patch Type: Minor
Patch Number: 1.2.1
Patch Name: Winter Festival
PTR Date: 12/15/2022
Release Window: 12/21/2022 - 12/22/2022
We're excited to announce our very first Winter Festival patch that comes with winter themed content like quests, food, toys, snowballs (!), presents, a chained Public Event against icy mobs and a boss. The Winter Festival will only be in Zenith for a limited time -- *three weeks from launch! -- so get out there, Agent! *Edit 1/5: the Winter Festival is extended until January 25th. Enjoy!
New Content
- Winter Festival World Event
- Winter Festival Agent Rank Challenges: earn Winter Coins, toys, and valuable rewards
- Winter Festival Public Event in Fractured Plains: summon and defeat Faminus, the Hunger
- Speak to Wynty near the Nexus District entrance to cash in Winter Coins for new toys, improved recipes, cosmetic pandowl-themed winter headwear, and a Frosted Stripetail pet
- Toys: give out "mystery" Presents with random rewards, throw Snowballs, build Snowfriends
- New Creatures & Pets:
- Royal Scarab
- Stripetail Cub 🐯
- Dazzling Stripetail
- Frosted Stripetail (Winter Festival)
- When fast traveling around the map you'll now find Winter Festival themed decorations in familiar places and Winter Spirits roaming the zones.
Feature/System Updates
- New Player Experience:
- Reduced overall difficulty of Blossom Village area
- Updated Academy gliding tutorial to mention stamina use
- Adjusted first Fractured Plains quest to not require gliding
- Fractured Plains respawn point moved closer to the bridge
- Removed enemies from outsides mines area to make it safer
- Increased size of mines boss quest location and moved to center of room
- Minor quest text typo fixes
- Slightly re-increased Arborial Serpent HP
- Added ability to swap stick inputs for left-handed users
- Added controller-oriented locomotion option which uses the direction of the hand rather than the head for smooth locomotion
- Updated model for the Dazzling Pandowl
- Inventory icon for Transponder quest item
- Added a new pulsing material for all spires and updated location marker visuals
Resolved Issues
- Fixes for various interactions that you can mistakenly do while dead [Multiple Sources]
- Fixed being unable to upgrade Lich’s Bane (blaster from Twilight Athenaeum dungeon) at synth stations [Player Top Issue]
- Fixed icon behavior when dragging items in inventory
- Fix cleaning up of quest drops, also a flag to make items placed by users despawn on logout [Multiple Sources]
- Fix for Agent Rank rewards showing up as empty and cannot be redeemed [Player Top Issue]
- Fix for fireseeds and firestarters not working to activate triggers in public events
- Improved waterfall materials and VFX
Edit (12/21):
Set boss doors in Infernal Core to not close during the fight so players do not get locked out upon death anymore [Player Top Issue]Updated Vulkane Boss room respawn point to be on boss platform and set gates to close during combat again - Reduced chance of waypoints not appearing in the new player experience
- Fixed spells not working when joining an instance with Agent Rank menu open
- Fixed Agent Rank menu staying open when joining an instance
- Fixed confirmation prompts rendering behind the main menu UI
- Fixed laser pointer cursor rendering behind section icons
- Fixes to Agent Rank UI
- Fixed bugs with networked VFX
Hotfix 1
- Fixed winter cookies, nog, and noodles recipe quests bug that took coins instead of the required items
- Fixed Tome Keeper raid occasionally not granting rewards
- Improved stability of public events, we are continuing to monitor shard performance
- Fixed weekly Winter banshee quest not completing
- Fixed hearing other players Blade Master sword SFX
- Fixed Amara's Tears reappearing for some players who have already collected them
- Adjusted Winter Festival Agent Rank duration to run approximately ~21 days from launch instead of ~20 days
- Updated icon for Gemcrusher creature
Hotfix 2
Hotfix 2 focuses on reducing crashes and improving stability. We are continuing to monitor stability and looking into bug reports
- Optimized performance when there are lots of entities nearby
- Optimized performance when there are lots of other players nearby
- Optimized memory usage during shard connection process
- Fixed an issue which would cause memory usage to slowly increase (and so decrease stability) over time as more and more status effects were used
- Changed the order in which things load to prevent freezing and reduce memory spikes during shard connection
- Reduced the memory usage of certain textures (including Skyboxes) on Quest devices
- Made abandoned items despawn when their owner logs out
- Fixed entities with lots of status effects on them causing framerate drops
- Fixed enhancement stations to show the correct 3D model for what is being enhanced
- Added a safety check to prevent the rare case where a player's inventory got wiped when losing internet