Skywave Transmission incoming 📡 Get Exclusive In-Game Cosmetics!

Skywave Transmission incoming 📡 Get Exclusive In-Game Cosmetics!

The community has grown so big and we have lots of new members, so we want to share some stories of Zenith with unlockable rewards -- The Zenith Sky Wave Transmissions! Complete these two puzzles to unlock the SNC-Bot pet and Arik Gloves in game!


"As you walk through the side streets of Zenith you see a glint in the corner of your eye. At a local store sits a strange looking receiver. You pick up the receiver not realizing what it is. The shop owner says you can take it in exchange for the first of whatever earnings the mysterious device brings...
The transmitter starts making a static noise... you gently begin to tune it apprehensive as to what  ... or who could be trying to contact you... "

Skywave transmission 1: 
“An adventure in the open plaza of the center of the city. Help is needed!”
Skywave transmission 2: 
“Mika Yakiri, the Zenithean official who put out a Sky Wave ad looking for an adventurer. You head towards the Ministry of Research and exploration building to find out more...”
Soon we will reveal the source of the transmissions and The Skywave itself… stay tuned in 📡
(coming soon...)
Join our community in the meantime: